Little Seedlings Program
Our Little Seedlings program is designed to allow children who aren’t quite ready for our preschool program, but who are ready for some time away from their primary caregivers, to socialize with other children their age, and learn to follow the direction of adults other than their parents.
The children follow a routine similar to that in our preschool program, including lining up & washing hands before snack.
The Details
Little Sprouts Preschool offers a comprehensive and inclusive program that is affordable for parents. Our class sizes remain small, so our adult : child ratio also remains small. We cap our Little Seedlings classes 12 students, maintaining a low ratio of 1 Adult : 6 Children.
Our Little Seedlings Program encourages development and growth, and is a great introduction of preschool to those little learners almost ready to start their pre-kindergarten journey! Our program is art, music, and play-based, with a focus on fun! We spend our days engaging in imaginative play, story-telling, and completing open-ended art activities. Once a week, we head across the hall to do Gym Activities in Community Links’ large space!
Preschool Program
Our preschool program is structured around quality curriculum and routine essential to encouraging development in a fun and caring environment that the children can feel secure in. Little Sprouts Preschool combines education with play-based programming to provide the best learning environment possible. Our 3/4 split classes are designed to allow older children to model behaviour for the younger students, and the younger students to gain experience and knowledge from the older students. We offer this class as a 2 or 3 day option each week.
The Details
Little Sprouts Preschool offers a comprehensive and inclusive program that is affordable for parents. Our class sizes remain small, so our adult : child ratio also remains small. We cap our classes between 15-18 children depending on the class and the curriculum, with two qualified staff on duty at all times.
Our Preschool Program encourages development and growth throughout the year by integrating limitless learning possibilities. Our program is play-based with an emphasis on routine and structure, providing children with opportunities to understand themselves and the world around them. The children in our program develop intellectually, emotionally, physically and socially through play and planned activities. We practice first and last name recognition, recognition and names of colours, shapes, numbers through 31, the days of the week, and the months of the year. All of our transitions and many of our lessons are taught through song. Both of our two-day and three-day per week curriculums are developed around monthly themes, each day the children will complete a corresponding craft and story.
Our program also introduces the children to French through song activities. Once per week, we head across the hall to do gym activities in Community Links’ large space!
Junior Kindergarten Program
Our Junior Kindergarten program offers children a unique opportunity to better prepare emotionally, socially, and physically for life in Kindergarten.
The Details
Little Sprouts Preschool offers a comprehensive and inclusive program that is affordable for parents. Our class sizes remain small, so our adult: child ratio also remains small. We cap our classes between 15-18 children depending on the class and the curriculum, with two qualified staff on duty at all times.
Little Sprouts Junior K program introduces the children to lower and upper-case alphabets and reinforces the concepts developed in two and three-day preschool program. Our curriculum also integrates lessons from Jolly Phonics and Handwriting Without Tears, as well as the TLC Cutting Program. Following monthly themes, the children will complete crafts and stories to reinforce the concepts learned. The children will learn to write their first name in upper and lower-case, and will learn to recognize colour and shape words, and will begin to understand the role of phonetics in language, promoting early literacy. All transitions and many lessons will be taught through songs, and our curriculum will include special theme days each month. Our program also integrates French Language lessons through song – the children will learn the days of the week, the colours in a rainbow, and to count to ten in French. Once a week we head across the hall to do Gym Activities in Community Links’ large space!
Our staff focus on warm and caring interactions with the children.
Play Areas
Our classroom is separated into quality learning environments for the children.
Our staff possess valid early childhood staff qualifications.
All of our staff have education and certification in early childhood education.
Our staff have experience in the field of early childhood education.
Our staff participate in professional development throughout the year.
Meet Our Teachers
Our experienced and qualified staff provide excellent care and education. They bring a wealth of knowledge from varying backgrounds to provide a well-rounded and enriched program for our school.